Penyffordd & Penymyndd Parent & Toddler Group

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

We're back!

First session back of the new school year on Thursday (6th September, 9.15am 'til 11.15am) 

Looking forward to seeing you all there! New faces always welcome.

Sessions run every Tuesday and Thursday during term time. First Tuesday session is 11th September 9.15am 'til 11.15am.

£1.50 per family or childminder no matter how many children you bring. Lots of games, toys and activities for newborns to preschoolers.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Half term 2015

We will be having a break this week (17th/ 19th February 2015) but open as usual again from the 24th/ 26th Feb. Come and join us from 9.15-11.15 at the Institute  - we've had plenty of regulars this year but still always space for new faces. Currently our youngest baby is around 3 months, the oldest are round 2 and a half but it doesn't matter if you have a new baby, are new to the village, or just fancy something new to do - come along!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Winter Fair

Was a great success, we took over £400, which is great and will help us enjoy Christmas parties, a summer outing and so on.

I was to busy to remember to take photos during the fair, but here are some from setting up...
Raffle prizes


Nearly New

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Another year...

I am clearly not very good at keeping a blog up to date!

A new year, a new term, and we are back. I have a new baby who is not yet a toddler (at 6 weeks) but is still coming along to toddler group, while my big toddler is nearly 2 and enjoying Tuesdays.

Welcome to all the new members, especially those with new babies - there have been a few! Good to see, especially as we have said goodbye to a few older toddlers. And it's lovely to see last year's new babies getting mobile and beginning to toddle around.

The sessions have been busy again.

This week we had some playdough for crafts - in autumn red/orange/ yellow colours with pine cones and beech masts to stick in it for textures and exploring. The colours were a bit mixed up by the end of the session but my toddler will still be playing with it for a few weeks at home!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Winter Fair 16th November

Have you seen these flyers round the village?
Can you find some nearly new clothes, toys, or books to donate? Time to have a clearout to make space for the new Christmas presents?
Can you bake us a cake?
Are you able to help out on the day?
If not, why not come along to join in the fun and help us raise funds to support our toddler activities (e.g. Christmas party, outings)!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ready for a new term

The first session of the new school year will be this week on Tuesday. Come and join us, whether you are a regular, an old friend who hasn't been for a while, or a new mum/ parent.

We begin at 9.15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm looking forward to seeing how Jay (nearly 10 months) will enjoy the toys this week - he hasn't been for nearly two months and has come on so much - still not walking but everything else... walking around the house with chairs/ his trolley so he will be able to move much more in the hall. He also enjoys big spaces...

Looking forward to seeing lots of other children too - Jay loves watching the older ones playing and we also love seeing younger babies!